Dr. Juan G. Navarro Floria graduated in law from Pontificia Universidad Católica of Argentina, where he teaches civil law, ecclesiastical law, and law and religion in Latin America. He earned a PhD in Law from Complutense University (Spain). He was Chief Advisor to the Secretariat of Religious Affairs of the Argentine Government; founder, board member, and past president of the Argentine Council of Religious Freedom (CALIR); and founder and past-president of the Latin American Consortium for Religious Freedom. He is a member of the Academic Advisory Board of the International Center for Law and Religion Studies (ICLRS-BYU) and of the National Committee ‘Justicia y Paz’ at the National Conference of Catholic Bishops in Argentina, and is founder and member of the Steering Committee of the International Consortium for Law and Religion Studies (ICLARS–Milan), and a member of the Section of Family Law and BioLaw of the National Academy of Law and Social Sciences.