Javier Martínez-Torrón is Professor of Law at Complutense University (Madrid, Spain), Vice-President of the Section of Canon Law and Church-State Relations of the Spanish Royal Academy of Jurisprudence and Legislation, and Honorary Foreign Member of the National Academy of Law and Social Sciences of Cordoba, Argentina. He is also a member of the steering committee of ICLARS (International Consortium on Law and Religion Studies). He has done consultancy for national governments as well as for international institutions, especially while being in the Spanish Advisory Commission for Religious Freedom in the Ministry of Justice (2002-2014) and in the OSCE/ODIHR Advisory Council for Freedom of Religion or Belief (2005-2013). He is co-founder and co-editor of Revista General de Derecho Canónico y Derecho Eclesiástico del Estado (2003), the first Spanish online academic journal specialized in issues relating to law and religion. His academic work focuses on the legal analysis human rights (especially freedom of religion or belief) from a comparative and international perspective. He has lectured and done research at numerous universities and institutions in the five continents. His writings, published in 23 countries and in 13 languages, include 23 books as author, co-author or editor, and more than 120 essays in legal periodicals or collective volumes. His last books include Religion and Law in Spain (2d ed., Wolters-Kluwer, 2018), Great Christian Jurists in Spanish History (co-ed., with Rafael Domingo, Cambridge University Press, 2018), and Religion and the Secular State (co-ed., with W. Cole Durham Jr., Universidad Complutense de Madrid and BYU Provo, 2015).